Wei Qi Booster Boosts Immunity in Dogs, Cats, and Horses

Wei Qi Booster boosts immunity in pets

What is Wei Qi Booster?

Jing Tang Wei Qi Booster Concentrated Tincture | boosts immunity is an Eastern herbal blend that boosts immunity in dogs, cats, and horses.

It is beneficial in treating chronic illness, chronic viral infections, and anemia.

It also aids in rebuilding the immune system after chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Wei Qi Booster helps improve an animal’s general health condition and prevent upper respiratory infections.

What is Wei Qi in Eastern Medicine?

Dog-with-weak-immune-system | boosts immunityWhen animals are stressed or old, they often experience weakened immune systems.

When an animal suffers from a weak immune system, the animal often develops fatigue, weakness, weight loss, decreased appetite, chronic infections, and thyroid issues.

In Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM), practitioners call the “immune” or “host” defense system “Defense Qi” or “Wei-Qi.”

When the Wei-Qi (immune system) is strong enough to prevent invasion by pathogens (like viruses and bacteria), the animal is considered healthy.

Eastern practitioners place more emphasis on the immune system itself than the bacteria and viruses.

The reason is that the pathogens are ever-present in the environment, and cannot harm the animal unless the Wei-Qi (immune system) is too weak to defeat them.

Unfortunately, when the Wei Qi becomes weak, pathogens can enter the body and cause disease and illness.

In TCVM, the failure of the immune system to do its job is called Wei Qi Deficiency.

How Wei Qi Booster Boosts Immunity in Dogs, Cats, and Horses

The Western Medical indications for Wei Qi Booster are:

  • Dog no appetiteAnemia
  • Apathy
  • Chronic arthritis
  • Renal failure
  • Fatigue
  • General weakness
  • Chronic viral infections
  • FIV and FeLV in cats
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Post-chemotherapy
  • Post-radiation therapy
  • Immune system boosting
  • Poor appetite
  • Weight loss in senior animals

Eastern veterinary medicine looks at animal health challenges differently than Western medicine.

The Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine indications for Wei Qi Booster are:

  • Exercise intolerance
  • Fatigue
  • General weakness
  • Poor appetite
  • Qi and Blood deficiency
  • Deep, weak pulse
  • Pale tongue

Note: Wei Qi Booster should not be used with Excess Heat. Excess Heat could be acute inflammation, infection, or a high fever.

How Dr. Smith Uses Wei Qi Booster to Boost Immunity

consulting vetAt Natchez Trace Veterinary Services, Dr. Smith provides an Eastern exam in combination with the standard veterinary exam.

TCVM philosophy is very different than our standard Western medical philosophy.

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine focuses on balance and finding the cause of the problem rather than simply masking symptoms with prescription medicines.

Through Eastern examination techniques, Dr. Smith chooses herbal blends to help with your pet’s symptoms.

And, at the same time, the herbs correct the imbalances causing the symptoms.

Wei Qi Booster is only one of the many TCVM herbal blends available that boosts immunity for Dr. Smith to choose from based on the results of the Eastern exam.

What Are The Herbs in Wei Qi Booster?

Wei Qi Booster is a specially-formulated herbal blend for relieving the symptoms of chronic illness and viral infections while at the same time addressing the underlying causes of the symptoms.

The Chinese Principles of Treatment for Wei Qi Booster are:

  • Tonifying Qi
  • Tonifying Blood
  • Boosting Wei Qi
  • Inhibiting mutation

The main ingredients in Wei Qi Booster are:

  • Herbs-in-Wei-Qi-BoosterBai Hua She She Cao (Oldenlandia) to inhibit cell mutation and tumor growth
  • Ban Zhi Lian (Scutellaria) to inhibit cell mutation and tumor growth
  • Chen Pi (Citrus) to move Qi and transform phlegm
  • Dang Gui (Angelica) to tonify blood
  • Dang Shen (Codonopsis) to tonify Qi and boost Wei Qi
  • Huang Qi (Astragalus) to tonifi Qi in the whole body and Wei Qi
  • Wu Yao (Lindera) to move Qi and clear stagnation
  • Xuan Shen (Scrophularia) to cool blood and nourish Yin

Chen Shi Wen et al. wrote the Wei Qi Booster formula in 1080 AD. The formula arose from information in the ancient Chinese text Si Jun Zi Tang from Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tia Ping Era).

Our clients have seen how Wei Qi Booster boosts immunity. They have seen remarkable improvements in the health conditions of their pets by using herbal blends to take care of various health issues. Please contact our clinic anytime if you have questions about herbal remedies!

Get Wei Qi Booster at TCVM Pet Supply

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