The Use of Elderberry Juice Tonic to Help a Dog with Respiratory Distress

The Use of Elderberry Juice Tonic to Help a Dog with Respiratory Distress

Elderberry juice tonic has grown popular due to its healing effects on the respiratory organs of people. Because of this, veterinarians put the formula’s healing properties into testing its effectiveness in a dog with respiratory distress. Now, two questions for Dr. Smith: Will Elderberry Juice Tonic help my dog with respiratory distress? Isn’t elderberry poisonous […]

Ping Wei San Helps Chronic Indigestion in Dogs, Cats and Horses

Herbal mixture of Ping Wei San.

What is Ping Wei San? Ping Wei San is a TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine) herbal blend to ease chronic indigestion in dogs, cats, and horses. From a Western medical standpoint, Ping Wei San helps the diagnosis of indigestion. However, Eastern medicine (TCVM)  looks at health challenges a little differently. The Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine […]