Good Veterinary Medicine

I see and hear it all the time: “We practice good veterinary medicine!” Or, better yet: “Our practice is ‘high quality.’” When I was in veterinary school, the professors would all tell us: “Make sure you practice good, high quality veterinary medicine!” Every veterinary journal preaches about “good veterinary medicine.” At the time, I thought I […]
Stomach Happy Helps With Stomach Ulcers in Dogs, Cats & Horses

What Is Stomach Happy? Stomach Happy a TCM herbal blend that can be very helpful as a remedy to help with stomach ulcers in dogs, cats, and horses. Gastric ulcers are often related to the method by which the stomach protects itself against the acid. A prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is a common […]
Alternative Cushing’s Treatments in Dogs

Canine Cushing’s disease, also known as hyperadrenocorticism, is a medical condition that affects dogs. However, there are alternative treatments for Cushing’s disease in dogs. We’ll talk about that later. Dog Cushing’s disease occurs when the body produces too much cortisol, a hormone that helps regulate the body’s metabolism and response to stress. Excess cortisol can […]
Biopsy Procedure for Dogs and Cats

Why Might You Need a Biopsy Procedure? A biopsy procedure for dogs and cats provides important information regarding the seriousness of your pet’s condition. A biopsy also confirms the diagnosis and the best course of treatment. Different Biopsy Procedures for Dogs and Cats Veterinarians use several different biopsy procedures for dogs and cats: Punch: This […]
Holistic Options for Cushing’s Disease

By reading this question-answer session, you will learn more about holistic options for Cushing’s Disease. Note: One of the goals of Natchez Trace Veterinary Services and Dr. Marc Smith is to provide ultimate transparency. The following question and answer session was pulled from Dr. Smith’s iPhone email archives and used, unaltered, in this article. Dr. […]
Tibial Tuberosity Advancement Surgery (TTA Surgery)

Tibial tuberosity advancement surgery or TTA is the latest surgical treatment for cranial cruciate ligament disease in the dog. TTA is indicated for dogs weighing more than 50 lbs. Along with TPLO, TTA is considered a “bone cutting” procedure that minimizes tibial thrust and aids in stabilizing the stifle joint. Currently, four surgical options exist […]
Atypical Cushings Remedy: Melatonin and Lignan Supplements

Since I practice alternative medicine, I get questions all the time about the use of Melatonin and Lignans as an Atypical Cushings remedy for Dogs. How does the treatment work? Is it effective? And are there any side effects to the treatment? These are pretty much everyday questions in my practice! What Is Atypical Cushings […]
Positive FIV Tests in Cats: Could it be a “False Positive”?

Understanding Positive FIV Tests Positive FIV test results are a fairly common occurrence. Stray cats, old cats, and even kittens oftentimes test positive for FIV. Let’s say you bring a stray kitty into your veterinarian’s office. The veterinarian, like a vet should, suggests a FeLV/FIV test. Two days later, the test comes back positive for FIV. […]
Dog Surgical Correction of Cruciate Tear and Patella Luxation

Dogs that tear the cranial cruciate ligament frequently also have a luxating patella. This situation presents a unique challenge to the veterinarian often requiring a surgical correction which is a total knee reconstruction. Surgically correcting the cranial cruciate tear is fairly straightforward; however, fixing both at the same time can be much more complicated. Tibial […]
Prolotherapy for Partial ACL Tears in Large Mix Breed Dogs

From the Desk of Dr. Marc Smith… A Question for the Doctor: I have a 110-pound mix breed (Border Collie/St. Bernard) who was diagnosed with a partial tear of his left ACL. I have been treating Kody with conservative management for the past several months and it has been moderately successful but I was wondering […]