Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin Helps Acute Tonsillitis and Lymphadenitis in Dogs, Cats and Horses

Mixture of herbal formula Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin

What Is Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin?

Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin is a TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine) herbal blend that helps acute tonsillitis and lymphadenitis in dogs, cats, and horses.

Will Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin Help Your Pet?

If your pet suffers from adenitis or certain types of ear infections, Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin just might be a good natural solution.

Dr. Smith uses Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin to naturally treat:

  • Acute tonsillitis
  • Cellulitis of the head and face
  • Lymphadenitis
  • Parotitis
  • Purulent otitis media

The TCVM indications for Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin are:

  • Seasonal epidemics causing acute and massive febrile disorder of the head and/or face
  • Head toxin
  • A pulse that is slippery and forceful
  • Sudden onset of fever
  • Sore throat
  • A tongue that is red
  • Wind-Heat
  • Redness, swelling, heat, and pain in the head and face

How Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin Helps Acute Tonsillitis and Lymphadenitis in Dogs, Cats, and Horses

At our Natchez Trace Veterinary Services, Dr. Smith offers an Eastern exam (TCVM) in combination with the standard veterinary exam.

TCVM philosophy differs from standard Western medical philosophy.

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine focuses on:

  • Attaining balance
  • Maintaining balance

TCVM looks for the root cause of pet health challenges rather than simply masking symptoms with prescription medicines.

Through Eastern examination techniques, Dr. Smith chooses herbal blends to treat the symptoms and make your pet feel better.

And,  at the same time, the herbs correct the imbalances causing the symptoms.

However, Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin is only one of the many TCM herbal blends available for Dr. Smith to choose from based on the results of the Eastern exam.

During the TCVM, Dr. Smith may discover root causes that a different blend would better resolve.

Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin works by

  • Clearing Heat
  • Eliminating Fire toxins
  • Dispersing Wind-Heat

What Herbs Are in Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin?

Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin is a TCVM blend of 14 different herbs.

It is a veterinary offshoot of the ancient Chinese herbal formula Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin from Yi Fang Ji Jie which was written in 1682 by Wang Ang.

The main ingredients in the Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin formula are:

  • Ban Lan Gen (Isatis) to clear Fire Toxin and detoxify
  • Bo He (Mentha) to clear Wind-Heat
  • Chai Hu (Bupleurum) to clear Wind-Heat
  • Chen Pi (Citrus) to move Qi
  • Gen Cao (Glycyrrhiza) to Harmonize
  • Huang Lian (Coptis) to clear Damp-Heat and detoxify
  • Hung Qin (Scutellaria) to clear Damp-Heat and detoxify
  • Jiang Can (Bombyx) to detoxify, smoothen throat, and transform phlegm
  • Jie Geng (Platycodon) to open the Lung and transform phlegm
  • Jin Yin Hua (Lonicera) to clear Fire-Toxin, detoxify, clear Wind-heat
  • Lian Qiao (Forsythia) to clear Fire-Toxin, detoxify
  • Niu Bang Zi (Arctium) to clear Wind-Heat
  • Sheng Ma (Cimicifuga) to clear Wind-Heat
  • Xuan Shen (Scrophularia) to cool Blood

Our clients have seen wonderful improvements in the health conditions of their pets using herbal blends to take care of a variety of health issues.

Please contact our clinic at any time if you have questions about herbal remedies!

Get Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin at TCVM Pet Supply


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