Annual Fecal Test for Dogs – 4 Essential Ws to Ask Yourself

Fecal examination for dogs

According to experts in the field, parasite exposure in dogs is higher than ever, making a yearly intestinal parasite exam or fecal test for dogs crucial. It is the best way to be sure that neither your pet nor your household will get intestinal parasites. In addition to medical exams and vaccines every year, a fecal […]

Fight Heart Disease in Dogs: The Safest Taurine Supplement

Taurine to aid heart disease in dogs

Is your darling pooch panting even without exercising? Does she suddenly collapse or faint? Even worse, is there blood in her urine? Heart disease in dogs usually starts this way. If you answered yes, the main culprit might be that your dog is suffering from taurine deficiency.  Taurine deficiency can cause dilated cardiomyopathy or DCM. […]

3 Reliable Ways to Ease Dysautonomia in Dogs

Dysautonomia in Dogs

Dysautonomia in dogs is a rare, progressive illness with an unknown origin that causes the autonomic nervous system to degenerate over time. As with humans, this is a fatal ailment. In dogs, the disorder causes the autonomic nervous system to malfunction. This system controls the unconscious bodily functions such as heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, […]

The Best Way to Deal with Magnesium Deficiency in Dogs

Magnesium deficiency in dogs

There are many reasons why magnesium L-Threonate is vital for pets. Why is it so important? First, we need to understand what it means to have magnesium deficiency in dogs. Let’s get to the heart of the matter. Dogs, like humans, require important vitamins and minerals.   Magnesium is one of these essential minerals. It is […]

How to Effectively Alleviate Dog Neck Pain in 4 Easy Steps


Dog neck pain may seem mild and treatable on its own given a few days, but it can also signal a life-threatening emergency. Neck pain in dogs is a common symptom of conditions such as inner ear infections, cervical injuries, soft tissue injuries, and especially spinal disorders. Dog neck pains are not as simple as […]

Treatments for Hyperthyroidism in Cats: 4 Simple Options that Actually Work


There are a few different treatments for hyperthyroidism in cats. This condition is the result of overactive thyroid glands. It’s very common and frequently affects older cats between 10 – 13 years of age. Cats with hyperthyroidism tend to burn energy too fast, which leads to weight loss even though they eat more and have […]

Calm Fear Aggression in Dogs: 5 Realistic Steps You Can Take

Calm fear agression

Anger, fear, rage- these are the last three things you want your pet to feel. Fear aggression in dogs stems from these emotions. We never want to inflict hardship on our pets, but there are things beyond our control. Your fur baby must face the big world out there one way or another. Therefore, you […]