The liver is one of the most vital organs in the body. One of its many vital functions is detoxification. Consider Herbsmith Xiao Yao San for herbal liver support to keep your dog’s liver healthy.
Various factors and variables affect the liver, resulting in degeneration. However, there are healthful liver formulas and actionable steps to help you and your dog guard against liver failure.
If you’re looking for the best herbal supplements for dogs with liver issues, you’re in for a treat.
In this article, we examine the ingredients of Xiao Yao San and explain how the combination of these promotes optimal liver function.
So, what’s the buzz in this herbal medicine miracle, and why are vets recommending it?
Origin of Xiao Yao San
The formula was first used by people of the Tai Ping Era (1075-1085 AD). It appeared in the literary classic Zhuang Zhi (Wandering Without a Destination), a compilation of stories with a transcended perception.
Xiao Yao San translates to Free Wanderer Powder or Merry Life Powder. Famous in the East, Western medicine practitioners have adapted this Qi-regulating formula to treat various conditions.
Although generally safe for use, you must consult with your vet first, especially if your pet is pregnant or is taking medication for chronic diseases. In addition, Xiao Yao San requires a veterinarian’s authorization to purchase.
Eastern Use of the Formula
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) is more about fixing energy disruptions. These patterns, when left untreated, will gradually become diseases.
Xiao Yao San restores disrupted Qi in the liver, fixes stagnated blood, empowers the spleen, and regulates menses.
Here’s a list of indications to look out for:
- Stagnated blood in the liver
- Qi deficiency in the liver
- Rebellious Qi invading the spleen
Western: Xiao Yao San for Health Conditions
Because Western practice relies on diagnoses, they wait until certain health conditions occur.
In this context, the formula helps with the following:
- Regulates menstruation
- Alleviates or fixes menstrual cramps
- Improves breast milk supply
The Ingredients in Xiao Yao San
The formula consists of 6 herbal ingredients. The powerful combination combats qi deficiency, specifically in the liver, helping protect your pet from anxiety, liver blood stagnation, and irritability.
1. Radix Bupleuri (Chai Hu)

A king ingredient in the formula, Chai Hu is cooling in nature. It drains the heat in the liver due to Qi stagnation while strengthening the spleen.
It also contains various biological activities such as anti-inflammatory, anti-fever, anticancer, antimicrobial, antiviral, etc.
Chai Hu also directs the assisting ingredients to the liver.
2. Radix Angelicae Sinensis (Dang Gui)

Radix Angelicae Sinensis (dang gui) is essential to the Xiao Yao San formula.
Dang Gui addresses the primary and coexisting patterns, effectively restoring vigor to the blood.
Its nourishing properties are crucial in revitalizing the liver by nourishing the blood stored in or passing through it.
This multifaceted herb is integral to maintaining the overall balance and health of the liver and blood.
3. Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae (Bai Shao)

The role of Bai Shao is to fix menstrual problems and emotional stress.
This is because it directs Qi in regions that affect the latter.
Generally, the effect of this ingredient regulates the meridians it passes through while alleviating the pain.
Moreover, it tonifies Yin and nourishes blood and liver.
4. Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (Bai Zhu)

Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, known as Bai Zhu, plays a crucial role in addressing the interrelated functions of the liver and spleen.
When the liver experiences an imbalance, it often affects the spleen. Therefore, treating the spleen becomes a priority.
Bai Zhu primarily fortifies and supports the spleen, ensuring it can effectively manage the impact of liver imbalances.
This herb strengthens the spleen and enhances its function by drying dampness and promoting water metabolism.
By supporting spleen health, Bai Zhu helps maintain overall balance and harmony within the body, making it an essential component of traditional Chinese medicine formulas like Xiao Yao San.
5. Sclerotium Poriea Cocos (Fu Ling)

Sclerotium Poriae Cocos, known as Fu Ling, is a versatile assisting ingredient that plays a significant role in traditional Chinese medicine formulas.
Fu Ling helps strengthen the spleen, promoting better digestion and nutrient absorption. In formulas where it acts as a primary ingredient, Fu Ling effectively drains dampness by encouraging urination, thus helping to eliminate excess fluids from the body.
Beyond its diuretic properties, Fu Ling calms the spirit, providing a sense of tranquility and balance. It also supports heart health and tonifies the spleen and stomach, enhancing overall digestive function.
By incorporating Fu Ling, formulas like Xiao Yao San benefit from its multifaceted properties, ensuring a holistic approach to health and well-being.
6. Honey-Fried Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis (Zhi Gan Cao)

Honey-Fried Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, also known as Zhi Gan Cao, is a key assisting ingredient in many traditional Chinese medicine formulas.
Primarily, Zhi Gan Cao tonifies the spleen, as the spleen is its primary meridian. This strengthening effect enhances digestion and nutrient absorption, contributing to overall vitality and health.
In addition to its spleen-tonifying properties, Zhi Gan Cao dries out dampness, helping to maintain a balanced internal environment.
It also protects the stomach from the potentially harsh effects of cold herbs, ensuring that the digestive system remains stable and resilient. Through its multifaceted actions, Zhi Gan Cao supports the effectiveness and balance of the entire formula.
A Relaxed Wanderer’s Friend
Godsent, Herbsmith Xiao Yao San formula will help your pet thrive in any environment that induces stress. It also promotes the health of the liver, a vital organ that eliminates toxins in the body.
Liver problems? Herbal liver support for dogs is now made easy with Xiao Yao San. You’ll never have to worry about liver issues in dogs, anxiety, and irritability anymore.
Get Xiao Yao San at TCVM Pet Supply