Pumpkin Benefits Dog and Cat Digestive Health

A Picture of Pumpkin for Dog and Cat Digestive Health

Pumpkins make delicious bread and pies for humans.

But, did you know that pumpkin is really good for dogs and cats as well?

How Pumpkin Benefits Digestion

One of the main ways pumpkin benefits dog and cat digestive health is by alleviating both diarrhea and constipation.

I know it sounds odd that pumpkin can alleviate these two opposites, but it does.

Pumpkin is very high in fiber.

And, the healthy fiber in pumpkin works as a “bulk laxative” for pets with dry, hard stool.

The same fiber also absorbs the extra liquid from runny stools making them more firm.

So, pumpkin helps both!

Did you know that inside your pet’s gut are roughly 100 trillion live microorganisms that promote normal GI function, protect the body from infection, and regulate metabolism and the mucosal immune system?   In fact, these little microorganisms comprise more than 75% of the immune system. That’s right, intestinal microbiota (aka gut flora) and the gut barrier all determine gut health.   And, by benefiting the digestive system, pumpkin benefits all the organisms working to maintain your pet’s gut health. 

Pumpkin Also Boosts the Immune System

Pumpkin is also great for the immune system. 

It is a good source of iron, vitamin A, and vitamin E.

All three are building blocks of the immune system and help to ward off diseases and cancers.

In addition, pumpkin benefits pet immune systems by improving overall gut health as we mentioned earlier.

How to Give Pumpkin to Your Pet

Cooked pumpkin is easier for dogs and cats to digest than raw pumpkin. Canned pumpkin puree is an excellent choice. (Make sure that you get 100% pumpkin puree and not pumpkin pie filling which will contain additives and sweeteners.) Most dogs and cats enjoy the taste of pumpkin puree either plain or mixed in their food.

The recommended amount of pumpkin puree to feed your pet ranges from two teaspoons daily for small dogs and cats up to two tablespoons daily for large dogs.

Need a little extra help with pet digestive challenges? 

              Try PET | TAO Harmonize GI Supplement for Dogs & Cats

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