Eight Righteous Herbal Formula Helps Urinary Tract Problems & Cystitis

Herbal Formula That Can Treat Urinary Problem In Pets

What Is Eight Righteous Herbal Formula?

Eight Righteous is a TCVM herbal blend very helpful with urinary tract problems and cystitis in dogs, cats, and horses.

The Western Medical indications Eight Righteous herbal formula are:

  • Acute cystitis
  • Acute urinary tract inflammation
  • Frequent urination
  • Hemorrhage in urine

Eastern veterinary medicine evaluates animal urinary tract problems differently than Western veterinary medicine does.

The Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine indications for Eight Righteous are:

  • Damp-Heat in the lower burner
  • Bladder Damp-Heat
  • Frequent urination
  • Hemorrhagic urine
  • Painful micturition with scanty and red-yellow urine
  • Slippery, rapid pulse
  • Re-lin Syndrome
  • Red tongue
  • Urgent urination

How Eight Righteous Herbal Formula Helps Urinary Tract Problems and Cystitis

At Natchez Trace Veterinary Services, Dr. Smith provides an Eastern exam (TCVMM) in combination with the standard veterinary exam.

TCVM philosophy is very different than our standard Western medical philosophy.

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine focuses on finding balance treating the root cause of health problems rather than simply masking symptoms with prescription medicines.

Through Eastern examination techniques, Dr. Smith chooses herbal blends to treat your pet’s symptoms.

And, at the same time, the herbs correct the imbalances causing the symptoms.

Eight Righteous is only one of the many TCM herbal blends available for Dr. Smith to choose from based on the results of the Eastern exam.

Eight Righteous is a specially formulated herbal blend for relieving the symptoms of urinary tract challenges while at the same time addressing the underlying causes of the symptoms.

Its Chinese principles of treatment for Eight righteous are:

  • Clearing Heat and Fire in the lower Jiao
  • Eliminate Damp to drive through urinary dribbling

What Are the Ingredients in Eight Righteous Herbal Formula?

The main ingredients in Eight Righteous Formula are:

  • Che Quian Zi  (Plantago) to clear Heat, cool Blood and stop the hemorrhage
  • Chuan Mu Tong (Akebia) to clear Heat and drain Damp in the lower Jiao
  • Da Huang (Rheum) to clear Heat and fire
  • Deng Xin Cao (Juncus) to clear Heat
  • Gan Cao (Glycyrrhiza) to harmonize
  • Hua Shi (Talc) to clear Heat and drain Damp
  • Qu Mai (Dianthus) to clear Heat and drain Damp in the lower Jiao
  • Zhi Zi (Gardenia) to clear Heat and fire

Eight Righteous comes from the ancient Chinese formula Ba Zheng San (Eight Righteous Powder)  found in the text Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era) by Chen Shi-Wen (1080 AD).

Our clients have seen wonderful improvements in the health conditions of their pets using herbal blends to take care of a variety of health issues. Please contact our clinic at any time if you have questions about herbal remedies!

Get Eight Righteous Herbal Formula at TCVM Pet Supply

More Powerful Tools to Help Your Dog’s Urinary Tract, Bladder, and Kidney Challenges 

There are many quick and easy changes you can make at home to help you give your dog an edge on easing urinary tract challenges.  

  • Learn more about dog urinary tract challenges.  
  • Provide bladder support. PET | TAO’s Soothe Bladder is a blend of Eastern herbs and Western supplements working together to soothe your dog’s bladder and urinary tract.  
  • Consider a Cooling Diet. PET | TAO’s Chill cools inflammation caused by infection. Make sure to discuss any dietary changes with your holistic vet.  
  • Try PET | TAO Freeze Dried Beef Kidney Treats. According to TCVM, kidney controls kidney, bladder, and urinary tract functions. As few as 5-6 treats per day can make a huge difference in your dog’s urinary tract and bladder health!  
  • Learn more about TCVM Herbal Remedies. Chinese medicine offers many amazing natural solutions for canine bladder and urinary health challenges. Some good examples are:   

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